Marine Connect Platform

HUVITEK > Mobile App Development > Marine Connect Platform

Project Details


Marine Connect is a platform to connect vessel owner with trusted contractors, which include mobile application for vessel owners and contractors and a web portal for admin.


Vessel owner

  • Register and Sign In
  • Onboarding process
  • Create and manage vessel
  • Create and manage request
  • Track the request progress and status
  • Profile Management
  • Notification


  • Register and Sign In
  • Onboarding process
  • Get invited jobs by admin
  • Apply jobs
  • Assigned jobs list and job detail information
  • Scan QR code when starting and finishing job
  • Report the job status
  • Profile Management
  • Notification


  • Sign In
  • Manage requests by vessel owners
  • Assign jobs to contractors
  • Track the job status and progress
  • Manage vessel owners and their vessel
  • Manage contractors
  • Notification