Yumbo Scrumbo Food App

HUVITEK > Mobile App Development > Yumbo Scrumbo Food App

Project Details

  • Yumbo Scrumbo Food App
  • F&B
  • Mobile App Development
  • TypeScript, JavaScript, React Native, Node.js, PostgreSQL, AWS, Firebase


Yumbo Scrumbo is a mobile application for connecting food providers (Home Cook, F&B Business, Food Charity Organization) with buyers or receiver, running on both iOS and Android. The mobile application allows food providers to create offers and other users (buyers or receivers) can see the offer and get the contact of the food providers.


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Free features

  • See the offers which were created by other users
  • Get the offer detail
  • Save favorite deals
  • Get the seller contact information

Premium features

  • Able can post offers
  • Manage offers